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Calling All Former Students!!!!! 


I have an idea for a series of small collage works, and I need your help!


Here is what I am planning on attempting.



I need 40 or so of my former students to send me one picture that they would like to see me use in a small collage piece.   I will use a double page spread to create one small piece on the inside of the book to the left.  Much like the piece to the right.  I will supplement with other photos and old magazines that I have collected through the years at antique stores and yard sales.




Here is how I would like you to send me the pics. 


a. facebook messages [or]

b. email [] [or]

c. text message [971-645-0198]



PLEASE make sure you put your whole name and why you want me to use this picture!  This may have something to do with how I use the image.  You can send me a picture of a picture, something that you just randomly shoot with your phone, a challenge, etc....  But, the hard and fast rule is you can only submit ONE picture!  So, give it a good think!



If your image makes it into the body of work I will send you a high quality giclee print on RIVES BFK in a matte and plastic wrapped.  Signed with a rationale why I chose the picture and my intention for using it! 



By submitting your are giving me permission to use the image in any printed materials that I may create in the future with no compensation requested.  And by submitting you are guarenteeing that if any individuals in the images have given you permission to use the image.  [Boring stuff, but I have to cover my assests!]


2016 Randy Maves (one tired art teacher)

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